
Strobe-Effect Movies

story © internetted, December 27, 1996 all rights reserved.


while all motion is an effect of a strobing light, the strobe movie is a movie where the image is actually printed onto the screen (rather than being a separate object) and the light source is simply a strobe
physical design of image used is a significant factor in the activation through strobing [Statics Folio 3: Village to City is a collection of strobe movies]
large-scale prints lit by strobe light, tuned to the most effective frame rate (will be some variability from person to person) best effects produced when light is above rather than below the image (angle of reflection = angle of inflection)

Strobe movies are technologically dependent, but at a minimal level; they require a strobing light source for their effect:

essentially a movie where the image is printed on the screen (Lascaux) and animated through the movements of the viewers eyes (even minuscule movements) to create the effect of motion (persistence of vision) more movement of viewer = greater movement of the image. thus larger images will have a more powerful effect over a larger area, but with a limitation point (when audience is too close to image movement will almost cease) very primitive form of movie, keyed to physiological phenomena
the strobe effect relies on the persistence of vision coupled with our inability to see more than one visual potential at a time. this is what produces the oscillation-movements
works using the strobe effect in this fashion are functionally both movie and static (they fall into the space between both, sharing characteristics between each) they exist as both statics and movies to equal degree; the classification as either/or depends on the manner of presentation