This is a response to some misinformation being spread about my work on this site by the "Center for Visual Music."
This could be read as an example of how not to do history if you're supposedly an archive or other historical organization. Read on, and see the absurdity....
There was only a brief consideration of the contemporary period of US abstract film/video in 3 periods of Abstract Film and Video, but its analysis bears greater expansion. By focusing on the dominant characteristics of the three periodsexperimentation, consolidation and institutionalizationthe marginal position of abstract film emerges clearly at the start of the third period. The potential contemporary period reverses this marginalization, and so deserves a longer discussion.
Because understanding the present requires an awareness of the past, this discussion considers the broad development of abstract motion pictures over the course of the twentieth century. Within this larger history, it is possible to identify three distinct phases to the emergence and consolidation of abstraction as a specific genre of animation.
William Golden, (1911 1959), Creative Director of Advertising and Sales Promotion at CBS television was responsible for a Modernist revolution that defined broadcast design and titles during the live era of television as a 'modern' and 'prestige' production.